Our office will open late on Thursday, March 27th for our quarterly staff in-service training. We will be back to patient care and phones at 10:00am. Our office will open late on Thursday, March 27th for our quarterly staff in-service training. We will be back to patient care and phones at 10:00am.
After a regular cleaning, crown, or filling some tenderness or slight sensivitity for several days can be normal. Below, you can find our post-operative instructions for some of the more involved procedures that our office performs. Of course, please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have a question or concern about any procedure. You can also check out our post-operative care videos.
When directed, these steps can help speed healing and minimize the risk of future problems after a sinus exposure.
For dentured that are permanently in your mouth, you take to clean them where they are.
Learn to take care of your new appliance for clenching, grinding, or temporomandibular disorder (TMD).
Learn to take care of your new mandibular advancement device (MAD) for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or snoring.
Learn to adjust or titrate your new mandibular advancement device (MAD).