Tooth extraction post-operative care

What to expect after have a tooth or teeth extracted, and how to maximize healing while minimizing discomfort.

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Will it hurt after?
It is common to experience discomfort for several days after having a tooth taken out. If severe pain continues and is not improving, you should return for evaluation.
What can I take for pain?
For mild discomfort, we recommend taking ibuprofen as directed on the box. For more severe pain, a combination of ibuprofen (Advil) with acetominephen (Tylenol) following the directions for use on the box. Taking these together provides better pain control than with narcotics.
How long will I be numb?
You can expect to be numb for 2-3 hours after completion of your procedure. Be careful not to bite or burn yourself during this time.
Do I need antibiotics?
Antibiotics are not indicated for an infected tooth except in the most severe cases. The tooth extraction itself is treatment of any infection present.
What about my stitches?
If stiches were placed, they will self dissolve in 2-10 days, whenever they are ready.