- Will it hurt after?
- Most patients have minimal to slight discomfort after going through a deep cleaning appointment. If present, this typically resolves within 48-72 hours. It is somewhat common to experience more tooth sensitivity after a deep cleaning, as the gums begin to heal the shrink, exposing more tooth root surface which can be sensitive.
- What can I take for pain?
- For mild discomfort, we recommend taking ibuprofen as directed on the box. For more severe pain, a combination of ibuprofen (Advil) with acetominephen (Tylenol) following the directions for use on the box. Taking these together provides better pain control than with narcotics.
- Should I use a mouthrinse?
- A warm, saltwater rinse can help keep the gums clean and speed their healing. Listerine is generally not helpful in managing gum disease. If you were prescribed a prescription mouthrinse, use it as directed.
- How long will I be numb?
- You can expect to be numb for 2-3 hours after completion of your procedure. Be careful not to bite or burn yourself during this time.
- Do I need antibiotics?
- Antibiotics are not indicated or helpful for all but the most severe forms of gum disease. The cleaning procedure itself is treatment of the infection present.
- Do I need to avoid anything?
- We recommend avoiding particularly crunchy food items for the first 72 hour. These can become lodged in the healing gum pockets and slow the healing process.
- What else do I need to do?
- Focus on habits! With your hard deposits removed by this procedure you have been given a clean slate on those teeth. You will get the maximum benefit from a great brushing, flossing, Waterpiking habit starting now.