Our office will open late on Thursday, March 27th for our quarterly staff in-service training. We will be back to patient care and phones at 10:00am. Our office will open late on Thursday, March 27th for our quarterly staff in-service training. We will be back to patient care and phones at 10:00am.
We have partnered with Spear Education, a leader in dental education for dentists and patients alike, to provide you with the following information and animations that help explain some common dental problems, their solutions, and how to take care of common dental restorations and appliances immediately after receiving them and going forward.
Cracked teeth
Cracked teeth are the main reason for recommending a crown. Symptoms of a cracked tooth, in addition to a visual crack, include pain on biting.
Gum recession
One of the most common things that we see in our office is gingival, or gum, recession. Learn more about it in this short video.
Clenching and grinding (bruxism)
Why is clenching and grinding, also known as bruxism, so common and what can we do about it?
Gum disease (periodontitis)
Learn about advanced gum disease.
Gum disease (gingivitis)
Learn about reversible gum disease.
Non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs)
Learn about common types of tooth damage not caused by cavities.
Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJD)
Learn about the most common form of temporomandibular joint disorder.
Lost tooth
What can happen if you lose a tooth?
Acid erosion
What is acid erosion and what causes it?
Progression of decay
What is dental decay and does it get worse?
What is root resoprtion?
Anterior wear
What is anterior wear and is it a problem?
Dry mouth
What is dry mouth and why is it such a problem?
Tooth pain
What causes tooth pain?
Bridges vs implants
When it comes to replacing teeth without a denture, you have two options. This video explains how the two differ.
Dentures and implants
Lower dentures are notoriously difficult to work with, just two implants can change that drastically.
Root canal therapy
A root canal is a procedure that allows you to keep a dead or dying tooth that would otherwise need to be extracted.
Anterior implants
Implants are a predictable and esthetic way to replace missing front teeth.
Posterior implants
Implants are a predictable and functional way to replace missing back teeth.
Deep cleaning (scaling & root planing)
Scaling and root planing is the procedure of deep cleaning the teeth and gums to treat periodontitis, better known as gum disease.
Crowns with CEREC
Our office is proud to offer the latest in dental technology, the CEREC system allows us to fabricate crowns in a single visit.
Partial dentures
A partial denture that is retained by remaining teeth.
Tooth colored restorations (bonding)
Tooth colored fillings on front teeth are a great option for good looking restorations.
Complete dentures
Complete dentures are the simplest and cheapest way to replace all missing teeth.
Fixed, full-arch prosthesis
What is a fixed, full-arch prosthesis?
Filling vs Crown
What are the differences between a filling and a crown?
Regular cleaning vs deep cleaning
What is the difference between a regular cleaning (prophy) and a deep cleaning (scaling & root planing)?
Regular cleaning vs periodontal maintenance
What is the difference between a regular cleaning and a periodontal maintenance cleaning?
Periodontal maintenance appointment
What is a periodontal maintenance cleaning appointment?
What is fluoride and why is it good for your teeth?
Metal filling
What is a metal filling and why do we still do them?
Tooth colored filling on a back tooth
What is a tooth colored filling and do I want on a back tooth?
Tooth colored filling post-operative
What can you expect after a tooth colored filling?
Bridge post-operative
What can you expect after your bridge is placed?
Crown post-operative
What can you expect after your crown is placed?
Metal filling post-operative
What can you expect after your metal filling is placed?
Root canal post-operative
What can you expect after a root canal?
How to brush.
How to floss.
Caring for a denture
How to care for your dentures.
Caring for a dental implant
How to care for your dental implant.
Caring for an appliance
How to care for an appliance such as a guard or retainer.
Caring for a fixed hybrid denture
How to care for your fixed hybrid denture.
Caring for an implant supported bridge
How to care for a bridge held in place by implants.
Caring for a bridge
How to care for a bridge held in place by natural teeth.
Manual vs electric toothbrush
What are the differences between manual and electric toothbrushes?