Dental implant restorations

Single tooth implant restorations

Single tooth dental implant
Single tooth implant on a printed model.

A single tooth implant is the tooth replacement option of choice when a single tooth is missing. It allows for a predictable, one tooth solution to a one tooth problem.

A single tooth implant puts a tooth back with the following advantages:

  • It is an artificial crown supported by an artificial root, the neighboring teeth are left alone.

While it is the preferred means of putting a missing tooth back, there are some drawbacks that you should know about

  • It takes time for your body to heal to the implant. Typical is 4-6 months from the time a tooth is diagnosed as doomed until the final restoration is complete. If the tooth is already missing this time can often be cut in half.
  • Dental implants are expensive and dental benefit coverage is hit-or-miss.

Come and see us and see how dental implants can help restore your mouth!

Single tooth implant restorations